This afternoon, Liam and Mommy went to Flatwoods Park for a walk. Flatwoods is a 198 acre park just west of Ellettsville, with a paved trail through a wetlands and woods and a little prairie. And the whole time we were there, we only saw one other Mommy and Baby at the playground. (Which suits this shy / misanthropic Mommy just fine.)
We had such a pleasant stroll that, as long as the days are beautiful, we will be going to walk at Flatwoods Park. Oh, and the best part? We get to drive right past JIFFY TREET on the way home! We did not give in to temptation today, but Mommy thought about raspberry truffle shakes all the way home.
*Insert clever segue*
Yesterday it occurred to Mommy that there will come a day when Liam will not want hugs and will not want kisses and will have a smart mouth for talking back to Mommy. Until that day, Mommy has resolved to give Liam as many hugs and kisses and smiles and fun-happy-together-playtime as possible. Because if Daddy is any indication, this kid is going to have a smart mouth.
Besides, how could you NOT want to smother this baby in gravy and eat him right up with a spoon?