On Wednesday Mommy, Daddy, and Liam went to the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights with Grandma and Grandpa DeWell and Aunt Lauren and Uncle Nick. It is a three hour car ride either way, but since we all rode together in a rented van it went quickly and was a nice time to visit.

Aunt Lauren and Uncle Nick picked out a restaurant on the river - the Montgomery Inn. It was pretty delicious! They are known for their barbeque (and it was indeed yummy), but Mommy and Liam shared some macaroni and cheese and the second best salmon she'd ever had. Liam even ate bread! There are few things Liam doesn't get excited about eating, but bread is one of them.
After dinner we drove to the zoo, found a parking spot, and bundled up. Liam was probably the warmest of all of us, even though he didn't have mittens and just sat on his bottom the whole time. The zoo was absolutely gorgeous. The only animals out were the polar bear (huge!) and some reindeer. But there were so many lights! Mommy thinks that as soon as they are done taking down lights after the show, the next day they must have to start hanging lights again for the next Christmas.
After the zoo it was time to warm up and head home. And what better way to warm up than to stop at Dairy Queen? Yeah, we're DeWells. Liam had a quick drink of milk and a diaper change and proceeded to pass out cold for the entire 3 hour ride home, including a stop at Nick and Lauren's and a car seat change at Grandma and Grandpa's.
Of course, Liam woke up when we got home at 1am and stayed up playing until 2am. Because of course he did.
Liam says he is looking forward to going back to the Cincinnati Zoo light show with his new cousin when he or she gets here. And Mommy just wants to go to a zoo! But she can wait until it's warmer.
Question of the Day: What is your favorite zoo animal?
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