1) A big aquarium with some really cool fish: Leopard sharks, clown fish, lion fish, angelfish... Mommy and Daddy liked watching the fish, but Liam seemed more interested in watching the other kiddos.
2) A hoodie infestation. (Name that movie!) We got to see several kids get kicked out of the mall. Where are these kids' parents!?
3) FunTown! Although our host didn't mention it, this is where we spent the most time. FunTown is a play area just for toddlers, with soft slides and toys to climb on.
Liam made friends with a little curly-headed boy. They pulled on each other's shirts and squealed in each other's faces. They followed each other around and pushed each other out the way to play on toys.
Oh, and he went down his first slide ever.
ooh ooh ooh, pick me, I know the movie....