Monday, April 4, 2011

Pat-a-Cake, Daddy-O

We have a bedtime routine: Every night after dinner Liam gets a bath, reads stories with Mommy and Daddy in the Big Bed, nurses, and goes to his cage crib.

Tonight one of our books was the book of nursery rhymes, and Daddy chose "Pat-a-Cake." Now, we've often played "Pat-a-Cake" with Liam. He has clapped along with us, but he gets stuck at the, "roll it, pat it, mark it with a B..."

But tonight Liam ROLLED it! And he PATTED it! And he... didn't mark it with a B... but he was so excited to roll it and pat it!

Since he was having so much fun, we played a few more times. By the end of it, his "roll it" had devolved into waving his hands around in the air like he was directing traffic, and "throw it in the oven" turned into "touchdown."

Oh yeah, and the baby signs "hug" now, all the time. He hugs his toys and his books and the dogs and Mommy and Daddy. And he signs "duck" - kind of. Actually his "duck" looks more like "milk." But you can tell it is "duck" because we're usually looking at a picture of a duck.

Aaaand, here are some pictures:

Liam's birthday cake

Liam's cake, lovingly decorated by Grandma J.


This baby is one year old.

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