We have been BUSY lately! Yesterday Liam and Mommy spent the afternoon with our friends Laura and the other Laura (Laura A.) and the other Laura's (Laura A's) three boys. (Did you follow that?) There was a small strawberry shortcake festival in Bedford and we partook of the bounty. It was deeeelicious. There was a photographer there taking pictures of Laura A's twins, and they made into the local paper. Liam's cute, but apparently he can't compete with twins. Whatever!...
We also went to a small Art Association exibit at the Wiley House, as well as the Lawrence County Museum of History. The Museum of History had a ton of interesting artifacts. Mommy is looking forward to going back without the baby so she can actually look at everything. The visit was fun, but hectic with three boys and a baby. And it turns out Laura A. is also interested in quilting and suggested she and Mommy take a quilting class together. Yes! Please! Speaking of quilts...
This is a little old, but here is Cousin Grayson's finished quilt. Not too shabby, eh?
Oh, but this baby loves playing with anything with wheels. And sitting by the front door means he can watch REAL vehicles drive past the house - cars, motorcycles, construction trucks, vans, firetrucks...
There are days, and then there are DAYS. DAYS when we need extra distraction and new activities. (These DAYS are becoming more common lately.) Mommy has turned to the internet for inspiration, and this website is our current go-to. This week we are learning about circles, and here is one of our projects: a circle plate. Mommy found her sticker collection from when she was little and a paper plate with a circle pattern on it. We picked out some round stickers and decorated (and redecorated) the plate. Between our "craft" projects, afternoon pool time, and trips to the library (to try to eat the train table pieces!), we are mostly managing to stay sane.
Mommy's peas are ripening as we speak. On Thursday Liam helped Mommy pick peas. Uh, helping meant stealing the picked pods from Mommy, chewing them up and spitting them out. Also, eating dirt. Mommy ended up with about 15 chigger bites - Liam had none. Lucky baby!
Fresh peas - YUM!
And here's the money shot:
*Well, helloooo Ladies!
Cute! Cute! Cute!