Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa J

What do you think, is it time for another post??

Grandma and Grandpa J came for a visit last weekend, for a whole three days.  And it was a nice, kind of relaxing, all too short visit.  And Liam got his grandparent bonding ON.  (Seriously - he loved Grandpa J.  He would smile at him, and hug him, and ask him to pick him up, and sit on his lap to look at books.)

Grandpa J is an awesome grandpa, and he made a table for Liam (inlaid with a beautiful checkerboard) and a stool for Mommy.  We have since spent lots of time coloring at the table, driving cars on the table, and getting onto the chair.  And off.  And back on.  And off again.  On.  Off...  You get the idea.

Saturday we visited the farmers' market, went to the library to see their new RFID check-in system, and visited the fabric store to buy supplies for Mommy and Grandma J's QOV quilt.

Sunday was church and relaxing with the family.  (Which means, Mommy doesn't remember what else we did on Sunday.  Friday either, for that matter.)

Grandpa J / Grandma J, do you have any pictures you want to add to this post??

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